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Relationship retreat


自 2009 年以来,与世界一流的团队一起体验巴厘岛的终极私人豪华 VIP 静修和关系恢复计划,并为精英提供经过验证的计划。通过完整的团队、全面的 360 度治疗和授权,治愈和改变您的婚姻、关系或家庭与自己和彼此重新建立联系的方法。 

终极奢华私人  情侣退修会 

针对我们独特的 VIP 的 活着的关系更新退修会 计划 - 正是 - 独一无二。
银行存款余额比离婚更可观,不想放弃关系的陷入困境的夫妻可以体验 Alive 的“拯救阳离子”。无论您是希望通过我们强大的关系咨询和指导诚实地谈论您的问题,还是在您一起体验改变生活的健康计划时重新建立联系,我们相信个性化的夫妻健康静修是在创纪录的时间内挽救你们关系的最佳途径 -这实际上很有趣。

通过 1:1 快速通道疗法与令人惊叹的假期相结合,我们的整体计划侧重于增强每个人的能力个人 成为最好的自己,并帮助这对夫妻治愈他们的关系。我们的夫妻获得了真正持久的结果,而无需与多个治疗师打交道、削弱治疗的能力,并且可以从日常生活中抽出时间来纯粹关注关系问题。
我们在巴厘岛举办的 5 星级 VIP 关系帮助静修会由国际顶级专家组成的定制团队为您提供千载难逢的终极机会,让您释放、重置、恢复和重建健康、生活、人际关系等各个方面.无论你们作为一对夫妻共同面临什么问题,处于什么水平——我们都会亲手挑选一个独特的团队来解决保证 你的转变完全保密。
我们在数周而不是数月内获得结果 - 它们会持续一生。


luxury couples relationship retreat




couples therapy retreat



relationship help retreat


自 2009 年以来的可靠成果

private couples therapy getaway



Relationship rescue retreat



Download Packages




  • 感觉与您的伴侣脱节并且不知道如何找回您曾经的感受?

  • 感觉被误解,感觉不到听到或看到?

  • 不确定您是否可以克服伤害或背叛信任?

  • 为分离意味着什么而感到痛苦和担忧?

  • 失去了共同解决问题的能力?

  • 感觉好像您的需求没有得到满足?

  • 无法克服差异?

  • 是否因不断消耗您的思想和精力的关系问题而感到窒息?

  • 感觉好像你在这段关系中迷失了自己?

  • 不确定如何真正表达您的真实感受和真正想要的东西?

  • 厌倦了争论或兜圈子?

  • 不确定你是想留下还是离开?

relationship breakdown retreat
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我们的客户是地球上一些最非凡的人,就像您一样,他们正在寻求与自己的深层重新联系,以更深入地超越奢华…… 爱上生活再次。


每对夫妻都是独一无二的。作为一般规则,您认为问题是什么 - 从来没有。 

在关系破裂之前,每个人都有问题 - 他们自己的故事、信仰和行为正在影响关系。关系崩溃的原因只是让每个人内心需要治愈的东西浮出水面。夫妻来找我们有很多原因——挽救关系或和平分手,但最重要的是作为个人成长,并找到自己的力量和自我意识,以尽最大努力融入这段关系。


  • 自我认同——你如何看待自己以及错误认同或与你的真实身份分离,无法在生活或关系中做真实的自己

  • 失去信心、尊重和信任——对自己或伴侣

  • 倾听和理解——你真正听到、看到和理解对方的能力

  • 满足您的需求 - 了解彼此的需求以及如何以正直和冷静的方式表达您真正想要的东西

  • 压力& 责任 - 哪些外部力量正在影响关系以及您单独和共同恢复的能力

  • 价值观、目标和愿景——你自己的个人需求、幸福和方向以及关系方向

  • 创伤或心理健康——过去可能影响 the  关系的创伤和心理健康问题

  • 思维工具和情商能力——你利用工具来改变你的思想、情绪和反应的能力,以及你们作为个人如何做到这一点

  • 倦怠和压力——机械式地生活,长时间承受过多持续的压力,以及这种情况对人际关系的影响

  • 存在感——作为个人以及彼此之间的联系和存在感

  • 失去火花 - 关系中失去亲密感和性感以及原因

我们的工作 - 而不是您的 - 精心策划一个强大的程序,并计划在我们的全力支持下使用一个有效的特定程序和一个你们都会喜欢的程序在创纪录的时间内治愈上述所有问题。

relationship resuce retreat
save our relationship help program




  • 失信或不忠

  • 失去连接

  • 在关系中失去自我

  • 共同价值观、愿景和方向的丧失

  • 通讯故障

  • 失去尊重

  • 分居与离婚

  • 亲密关系问题

  • 家庭压力或问题

  • 育儿与共同育儿

  • 虐待

  • 精神健康问题

  • 财务问题

  • 压力与创伤

  • 文化差异

  • 同性伴侣问题

  • 友好分离或有意识的脱钩


Intensive relationship retreat



Relationship empowerment retreat


你不需要让你们都感觉更糟的临床标签和无聊的治疗。您需要一个团队来完成对您的生活、健康、过去、感受、关系等的全面 360 度视图。如果有的话,很少有人正确完成。在这次评估之后,团队制定了一个行之有效的行动、治疗和转变计划。 

Couples therapy intensive



Relationship counseling retreat




Relationship therapy retreat




Relationship wellness retreat




Relationship counseling intensive retreat



Relationship retreat



Couples therapy retreat




Relationship recovery retreat



Intensive couples therapy



Marriage counseling retreat



Couples counseling retreat




Healing relationships retreat


  • 在一个易于访问的地方获得世界一流的专家支持、工具和经过验证的有意义的程序?

  • 在你治愈关系和改变自我的旅程中感到被理解、接受和完全支持?

  • 想要体验一次难忘的假期,并结合专为你们两人设计的独特计划?

  • 在一个安全的空间里被听到、被看到和被理解?

  • 了解崩溃的原因(这绝不是你想象的那样)并有一个简洁的蓝图在你的个人和关系转变的道路上一步一步地遵循?

  • 了解你自己和你的思想和感受的内在运作,并知道如何改变你的反应和沟通能力?

  • 要有一个循序渐进的过程来证明可以在创纪录的时间内挽救关系吗?

  • 踏上自我发现和恢复关系的旅程,这需要几天而不是几年?

  • 要学习能让你终生受益于任何关系的工具吗?

  • 重建联系、理解、尊重、信任和亲密关系?

  • 为你自己和你的生活打造和构建全新的生活和方向,让你们都能茁壮成长?

  • 重新创造有意义且 100% 充实的生活愿景?





活着的心理学家 和 心理治疗师 接受了东西方哲学的全面培训,以揭示失衡或崩溃的根本原因,治愈过去并帮助您建立心理和情绪弹性。 

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detox, cleanse

Nutrition & The Alive DETOX

Specifically designed to ensure you regain your energy, heal gut health issues, reduce inflammation and balance your nervous system, the Alive diet is a key part of your transformation as you heal from the inside out.

Alternative Medicine


Working with our GP & nutritionists we create a natural treatment plan to ensure health longevity & healing for good. We believe in supporting the body's natural balance & see truly radical results quickly with our holistic treatment.

naturopath, nutritionist, holistic doctor

Naturopathy & Holistic GP

A complete holistic health assessment is an important part of your program to heal any physical health issues that can be driving the problem. We create a 12 week custom treatment plan that begins on retreat.

oxygen therapy, iv therapy

Detox Therapies

We offer a range of detox therapies to speed the healing & rejuvenation process including IV Infusions, Custom Detox Programs, Oxygen Therapy, Infrared Sauna, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda techniques and more.


Testing & Analysis

Many clients have unseen gene, hormone or health issues that have been missed that can be causing many issues mentally. We get to the core of the issue with thorough testing to create a unique blue print for your health plan & treatment.

bodywork, acupuncture

Physical Rejuvenation

Our body work team includes Acupuncturists, Osteopaths, Balinese Healers and Traditional Eastern Chinese bodywork to treat physical health issues in a supportive way that invoke the natural healing response.



True Yoga

Many of our clients have never experienced the True Yoga System. Full of beautiful philosophies for inner peace and self transformation we teach classes for the mind and the body that are specifically catered to you to build inner and outer strength using yoga as a therapy for body mind and soul reconnection.

relaxation and spa

Deep Relaxation

When you can truly let go of all the responsibilities, all the thoughts and all the issues - you find a state of true peace that builds clarity, confidence, inner wisdom and the ability to surrender. We give you permission through deep relaxation to let go, surrender and find yourself again.



Over our time with us you will find deep inner peace with your private guided meditation teachings to still the mind, create inner calm and remind you of who you truly are.

Become a master of focus, stillness & being with your SELF in as little as 7 days as you learn the art of the Alive meditation practices for mental clarity.



Our breath is an inbuilt relaxation system we carry everywhere with us. You will learn to use your breath to self calm, release stress on the go and get back in touch with your body, the present moment & who you really are in minutes. Through deep conscious breathing we unlock what is held in the body enabling us to cleanse on every level.



Retreat is a time to become present. When we are not present we lose touch with who we really are and create decisions out of chaos. Our mindfulness practices ensure you tap back into the natural beauty of daily life & the 'present' moment giving you time to just be you,  reflect & find the answers you are seeking within yourself.

Meditating on the Beach


Our mind is able to visualise worst case scenarios constantly. But it is also able to visualise the feelings, vision for our life and self that we truly desire & deserve. You will learn to see, feel and believe a new reality to experience the sensations you desire whenever you wish to. Through visualisation you will master the art of attraction.


kinesiology and emdr for anxiety treatment


Kinesiology unlocks the 'unseen' unconscious drivers and patterns behind our behaviour in a non confrontational way and gives us the awareness of ourselves to take back our power and give ourselves what it is we truly need. Kinesiology understands that the body has the answers and that through bringing the real issues to the surface we know what to heal ad release to move forward.

healing and energy work for anxiety

Energetic Healing

We have a range of energetic healers skilled at working with trauma and past issues. Rarely talking therapy can access the energetic realms where trauma is held. Our energy healers help clear, seal and reinforce your own personal power and energy enabling you to move forward free of 'weight and baggage' that you can articulate in words.

spa and massage treatments at our 5 star spa

Spa & Massage

Your own private 5 star spa and massage suite on site gives you access daily to as many relaxing spa treatments as you like along with skilled massage therapists working only with you to ensure are fully relaxed and restored.

hypnotherapy for anxiety


Hypnotherapy, whilst in a deeply relaxed state helps you change the meaning and association to painful events that keep you stuck. 

Working with your subconscious we re program beliefs that will help you step into the vision of yourself and your life that you want.


adventure experiences


Our fun fitness & outdoor adventure activities help you feel free from responsibility and explore. From downhill bike rides, hikes, volcano climbs and white water rafting. The different retreat locations offers us a smorgasboard of beach and mountain outdoor adventures to enjoy.

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Experience Real Nature

A huge part of your healing journey comes from being reconnected to the beauty of nature. In your stunning natural surrounds disconnected from the real world you soak up the peace and stunning views that our paradise locations provide. 

relaxation retreat

Fun &


Fun, warmth and support from your team is worked into every part of your journey. There is no need for this to be serious. We focus on celebrating you and your unique gifts and create an environment where you can truly practice being your authentic self without judgement. Tap into your full human potential and bring back your creativity.


change your life

Lifestyle & Habits Coaching

The retreat is only just the beginning of the next stage of your life.

We ensure that your habits stick in the real world and with our high  performance and habits coaches you craft a life at home with the habits of the greatest self to ensure you succeed on every level.

life coaching

Life Direction Coaching

Many of our clients are out of alignment or have lost their true life purpose. As you realise your own true human potential we craft pathways to turn your purpose into profit in may ways in the real world.

career coaching

Career Coaching

Ready for a change of direction or serious  changes in your chosen career to support a life where you thrive in your purpose without losing yourself? We help you get clear on how to serve in your genius for the next part of your life using your skills.

business coaching

Business Coaching

We often continue to work in our clients businesses post retreat for the greatest results using the Alive business model to streamline yourself, teams and business to become fast, easy, fun, effective & truly viable. We work with corporates, creatives and those at the top of their game to ensure their success with ease.


luxury private mental health treatment centre uk, usa, europe


​The executive level luxury 5 star programs offer you your own expansive private suite within our luxury boutique wellness hotels. With your own private program you can focus only on you. There is no other guest interaction.


Executive level all inclusive programs start from
$2145 USD Per Night All Inclusive.

To see a detailed breakdown of our program pricing please click here. 

luxury private confidential mental health rehab for detox, mental health and stress uk usa europe


We host our VIP programs in 100% private and confidential residences where our team works only with you in the comfort of your 5 star luxury secluded villa

VIP level all inclusive programs start from $3900 USD Per Night All Inclusive.

To see a detailed breakdown of our program pricing please click here. 



我们相信需要一个团队才能快速治愈 - 我们会在数周而不是数年内为您带来结果。





Facilitators & program directors

Our facilitators and hosts ensure your needs are taken care of and manage your entire retreat experience before, during and after retreat.

5 star service and luxury

Resort & Service Team

Our service team from reception, bookings, chefs, drivers and service staff ensure you never lift a finger during your stay and are truly spoilt during your time with us.

Katrina Steel Program Manager

mental health Therapists

We hand pick the most skilled psychotherapists, psychologists, holistic counsellors and coaches to mentally & emotionally transform on every level.

fitness and adventure

Fitness & Adventure Guides

Our adventure guides help you explore the wild outdoors, rich cultural experiences, nature and adventure experiences on our menu to reconnect to the world around you.

holistic 5 star health retreat

Bio Medical Team

Our wellness team consists of Naturopaths, GP, Nutritionists, Biomedical Mental Health Specialists, Fitness Instructors, Osteopaths, Acupuncturists & more to rejuvenate your physical body with a range of techniques & physical healing therapies.

luxury 5 star spa retreat

Spa & Massage Team

Our massage and spa team help to melt away your worries and lull you into a space of bliss and peace with their deeply healing spa and massage therapies.

5 star yoga and wellness retreat

Yoga & meditation team

Our Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness & Breathwork teachers teach the full Alive Yoga system built for mental health & creating long lasting inner peace.

holistic natural anxiety and depression treatment

Healers & Energy Workers

Our energy healers unlock old habits and patterns and help to clear the mind, body & soul of what is holding you back.

自 2009 年以来的可靠成果


我们的计划是 100% 全面的,旨在不仅可以永久治愈焦虑和恐慌,还可以确保您熟练掌握终身工具,成为最伟大、最具韧性的自己。


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alive luxury 5 star private rehab

Meet Your Team

Meet the outstanding team of wellness experts ready to support you.

luxury addiciton detox center

The Alive Process

We believe in 360 degree life & health transformation. See how the transformational journey works.

private luxury addiction rehab

Offering a range of profound wellness therapies for the body, mind and soul.

worlds best private rehab

Access the right program for you and our program guides & pricing to book your life changing experience.

Interested In A Luxury Private Retreat?

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We are here to walk you through exactly what program is best for you and introduce you to the outstanding team at Alive. We will answer all your questions via text, whatsapp email or on a call.
Leave your details below for immediate support and a no obligation wellness assessment to create your ultimate retreat to release all stress, revamp your health, cleanse the body and create inner calm. We will contact you immediately.
Team @ Alive
You want a private confidential program that is customised to your needs and you are the only guest?
You want the world's top team for a full relationship and self transformation?
You are ready to transform every area of your life in 5 star luxury at a secret exotic location?
5 star rehab
Outstanding experience. For more than a year post my divorce I tried other programs before I found Alive. I didn't want group therapy, I didn't need rehab, a simple health retreat or therapy wasn't enough. I wanted to deal with all the issues at once - divorce, stress, loss of health, new direction, mental wellbeing and healing relationships. I accomplished it all in 21 days with my loving team where I only focused on me for the first time in years. Words cannot describe the skill and care of this team. Beyond grateful.
Loz, 55, USA, Mother of 4
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