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luxury mental health facilities




We Heal The Whole Person

Private discreet 1:1 confidential luxury 5 star mental health retreats with a 15:1 team ratio to client for dual mental health, life, relationship issues and addiction rehab treatment uniquely created for unique individuals

You are the only guest working with a complete team of medical, biomedical, mental health and complimentary medicine practitioners using a proven process that works

Every program is created uniquely only for you to deal with a range of issues for stress, burn out, loss of health and habits, anxiety, depression, traumarelationship issues, loss of purpose and direction, detox programs, mental health issues and more

You will be welcomed by a highly experienced international team to support you in the complete transformation of your life, health, habits, relationships, self, business and more without judgement and with pure skill

We offer an outstanding level of holistic medical, biomedical and mental health treatment that cannot be matched anywhere in the world proven since 2009 

We go well beyond the traditional treatment facilities and deliver a genuine life changing experience offering results in record time with a real, inspiring and utterly transforming approach to dealing with some of the toughest issues you may be facing

best mental health retreats in the world

Kami menciptakan retret kami bukan agar Anda dapat melarikan diri dari kehidupan. Tapi agar hidup tidak lepas darimu.
Klien kami adalah beberapa orang paling luar biasa di planet ini & sama seperti Anda, mereka mencari hubungan kembali yang mendalam dengan diri mereka sendiri, untuk melangkah lebih dalam dan melampaui kemewahan....  untuk jatuh cinta dengan kehidupan lagi.

mental health retreat centers

Detoxify the body, heal health issues that are holding you back & rejuvenate your entire physical system with the Alive cleanse & physical health team to reset, energise & increase vitality.




mental health detox retreat

Detox from substances or unhealthy habits to live the life you want to the fullest. World renowned biomedical detox and health rejuvenation programs in privacy working with a discreet team.

upscale mental health facilities

Overcome long term stress, eradicate burn out, heal your nervous system & create a life you love to thrive moving forward. Rejuvenate your whole system & recover fast with a holistic program to reset on every level.



mental health therapy retreat

Rebuild a connection first with yourself, heal relationship hurts & build healthy relationships with others to receive the support & connection you deserve through releasing resentment & radical forgiveness.





best mental health retreats

Get to the root core of anxiety, panic, OCD, depression, trauma & excessive worry and cure it for good using tools to transform the mind, heal the past & become the greatest version of yourself.





therapy retreat

Family Issues

We work with couples and families together to heal, reconnect and bridge the gaps to form understanding, forgiveness and tools for healthy relationships moving forward for all involved in the family unit.



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Apakah Anda lelah:​


  • Terus-menerus khawatir dan tidak tahu bagaimana mengatasi perasaan cemas, sedih, dan sedih?

  • Merasa mati rasa dan terputus dari diri sendiri dan dunia di sekitar Anda?

  • Tidak tahu bagaimana keluar dari kabut?

  • Mencoba menyembunyikan kewalahan, ketakutan & dan kecemasan yang Anda rasakan setiap hari?

  • Tidak tahu bagaimana menjelaskan kepada orang lain apa yang sedang terjadi?

  • Tidak mengerti apa penyebab NYATA dari masalah kesehatan mental Anda?

  • Tidak bisa mengendalikan pikiran dan reaksi tanpa henti?

  • Tidak tahu bagaimana menghadapi sensasi fisik yang menguasai Anda?

  • Tidak mengetahui alat untuk membantu Anda secara internal saat Anda sangat membutuhkannya?

  • Tidak bisa fokus atau berfungsi setiap hari?

  • Merasa lelah dan lelah serta kekurangan energi dan kejelasan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat segala sesuatunya bergerak?

  • Tidak pernah bisa mendapatkan kebiasaan dan alat yang tepat untuk mendukung diri Anda sendiri?

  • Mengulang cerita Anda dan masih tidak memiliki jawaban?

  • Mencoba berbagai terapi & pendekatan bandaid dan tidak berhasil?

  • Merasa lelah dan bertanya-tanya kapan semangat hidup Anda akan kembali?

  • Merasa seolah-olah tidak ada yang mengerti apa yang Anda pikirkan dan rasakan setiap hari?

  • Salah percaya bahwa menemukan keseimbangan membutuhkan waktu berbulan-bulan atau bahkan bertahun-tahun?

  • Menggunakan bagian atas dan bawah untuk membuat diri Anda terus berjalan?

  • Merasa biasa-biasa saja dan tidak berdaya alih-alih DIBERdayakan?

private mental health rehab


luxury residential mental health facilities
the retreat mental health

Combining Medical Detox

Excellence, 24 Hr Care

Alive Biomedical Detox Protocols Unique To You,

Nutrient IV & Ozone Therapies, Psychiatric Precision, Holistic Detox Methods & Nutritional Cleansing ... Your Detox Is Fast, Easy & Effective.

intensive mental health retreat


Repair & Rebuild Relationships With All Who Surround You With Our Family & Relationship Experts.

mental health and wellness retreat

Working with skilled Psychotherapists/Psychologists, High Performance Live In Coaches, Holistic Counsellors & Therapists & a Complimentary Medicine Team ... You will be empowered to change every aspect of your life in record time.

mental healing retreat


Redesign Your Life Using The Alive Process for Building A Life You Love Full Of Real Purpose, Direction & Meaning... In Life and In Business.

mental health spas

Your Alive Life & Business Coaches Ensure We Eradicate Stress Fast & Transform Your Lifestyle Habits So Changes Are Made For The Long Term Ensuring Your Recovery Is A Success.

confidential mental health facility

Service Excellence

Be Supported By A Highly Skilled International 5 Star Team In Luxury Residences & Experience The Ultimate In Hospitality & Support. 

Types of Mental Health Issues We Heal

There are many 'serious' clinical labels given to pigeon hole your mental health issues. However biochemically - your 'crash' is simply a response to a physical, emotional, mental and energetic imbalance that is yet to be addressed. It is a warning sign that your mind & body require attention - and possibly multiple areas of your life to be healed. You are unique and the cause of your anxiety, depression, stress is unique to you.

We believe in healing the below issues holistically and thoroughly for good:

Broad labels, bandaid approaches and clinical 'one size fits all' frameworks offer little long term benefits in curing mental health issues for good. To heal at the core and permanently - you require a unique holistic blue print that is custom created for your needs only. This means that every aspect of your health, life, relationships and mental wellbeing is considered in our long term treatment plan that offers long lasting results. Our focus is to cure the issue for good and ensure with long term support that relapse doesn't occur. Start your assessment with your client manager here.

Apa yang Kami Bantu Sembuhkan Untuk Kebaikan

mental health luxury retreat


​The executive level luxury 5 star programs offer you your own expansive private suite within our luxury boutique wellness hotels. With your own private program you can focus only on you. There is no other guest interaction.


Executive level all inclusive programs start from
$2145 USD Per Night All Inclusive.

To see a detailed breakdown of our program pricing please click here. 

luxury residential mental health facilities


We host our VIP programs in 100% private and confidential residences where our team works only with you in the comfort of your 5 star luxury secluded villa

VIP level all inclusive programs start from $3900 USD Per Night All Inclusive.

To see a detailed breakdown of our program pricing please click here. 

Prayer Hall

Saya menelepon hari ini... bukan karena saya depresi atau berobat lagi. Tapi untuk menceritakan semua hal menarik yang telah terjadi dalam hidup saya sejak retret pertama saya. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, saya telah melakukan 2 retret dengan Anda.

Yang pertama Anda mengangkat saya dari lantai dan saya meninggalkan pernikahan yang penuh kekerasan. Saya menemukan diri saya lagi. Saat Anda membantu saya mengatur hidup, kekayaan, dan bisnis saya.

Siapa yang mengira saya akan bebas dari depresi berat, trauma, dan terjebak.

Siapa yang tahu saya akan terus menciptakan semua bisnis, kekayaan, hasrat, dan rencana yang kami tetapkan? Anda percaya itu, saya tidak yakin. Tapi lihat sekarang semuanya sedang dimainkan. Saya bukti hidup dari apa yang Anda lakukan.

Saya sekarang menjadi panutan bagi orang lain untuk percaya pada diri mereka sendiri dan menjalani kehidupan yang penuh gairah dan kebebasan. Saya suka tim Alive yang saya anggap keluarga. Saya tidak pernah bisa mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih saya dengan kata-kata tetapi saya baru saja menelepon hari ini untuk mengucapkan Terima kasih dari lubuk hati saya yang paling dalam untuk kehidupan yang saya jalani.

Fatma , Pengusaha, Kuwait

Wellness Mental Health Retreat for VIP
luxury mental health and wellness retreat

Are you ready to experience?

  • Access to world class expert support, tools and a proven program that makes sense all in one easy to access place?

  • To undergo an intensive fast track program uniquely created for executives and VIP's where you can overhaul your health, fitness, energy, habits, mindset and life fast?

  • To feel understood, accepted and fully supported on your journey to balance, complete wellness and way beyond that?

  • To be on a journey with real people, a holistic team who have been in your shoes and who have lived through your experience and out the other side?

  • To find your energy and clarity again and build a relationship with your body and self that is built on care, love and kindness?

  • To understand the cause of the crash and have a succinct blue print to follow step by step on your path to life transformation?

  • To understand yourself and the inner workings of your mind and how to revamp your resilience and focus?

  • To have a step by step process to follow that is proven to work, in the right order, at the right time?

  • To embark on a journey of self discovery and rejuvenation that takes weeks not years?

  • To learn tools that will last you a lifetime for your health and long lasting happiness?

  • To release your stress and rejuvenate on every level?

  • To craft and structure a whole new life and direction for yourself complete with habits and action steps to bring it to life?

  • To re create a life vision that is meaningful and 100% fulfilling?

  • To shine just as you are, happy in your own skin and loving the life YOU have created for yourself?

Temui Tim ANDA

Mereka mengatakan dibutuhkan sebuah desa untuk membesarkan seorang anak.

Kami percaya dibutuhkan tim untuk pulih dengan cepat - kami memberi Anda hasil dalam beberapa minggu, bukan tahun.

 Tim kami di sini hanya untuk fokus pada Anda dan bersama-sama kami mendukung Anda dengan cara yang tidak dapat Anda bayangkan. 

Dengan cinta tanpa syarat, keterampilan mutlak, dan program yang terbukti bekerja berulang kali, kami berupaya mengubah setiap bagian dari diri Anda dalam waktu singkat.

Merupakan suatu kehormatan untuk menjadi bagian dari perjalanan Anda dan berbagi dalam transformasi Anda dan dengan penuh rasa terima kasih seluruh tim kami menyambut Anda untuk mundur dan memberi selamat kepada Anda karena telah memilih untuk memberikan hadiah ini kepada diri Anda sendiri. 

intensive holistic mental health retreat

Facilitators & program directors

Our facilitators and hosts ensure your needs are taken care of and manage your entire retreat experience before, during and after retreat.

5 star mental health treatment facilities

Resort & Service Team

Our service team from reception, bookings, chefs, drivers and service staff ensure you never lift a finger during your stay and are truly spoilt during your time with us.

intensive therapy retreat for depression and anxiety

mental health Therapists

We hand pick the most skilled psychotherapists, psychologists, holistic counsellors and coaches to mentally & emotionally transform on every level.

psychological retreat centers

Fitness & Adventure Guides

Our adventure guides help you explore the wild outdoors, rich cultural experiences, nature and adventure experiences on our menu to reconnect to the world around you.

psychotherapy retreat

Bio Medical Team

Our wellness team consists of Naturopaths, GP, Nutritionists, Biomedical Mental Health Specialists, Fitness Instructors, Osteopaths, Acupuncturists & more to rejuvenate your physical body with a range of techniques & physical healing therapies.

best mental health vacations

Spa & Massage Team

Our massage and spa team help to melt away your worries and lull you into a space of bliss and peace with their deeply healing spa and massage therapies.

mental health spas

Yoga & meditation team

Our Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness & Breathwork teachers teach the full Alive Yoga system built for mental health & creating long lasting inner peace.

emotional health retreat

Healers & Energy Workers

Our energy healers unlock old habits and patterns and help to clear the mind, body & soul of what is holding you back.

Mengapa Ini Bekerja
Hasil Terbukti Sejak 2009

Program Hidup dan Perjalanan unik untuk setiap individu karena setiap orang memiliki jalan hidup unik yang membawa mereka ke momen ini. 

Program kami 100% holistik dirancang untuk tidak hanya menyembuhkan masalah demi kebaikan tetapi untuk memastikan Anda menjadi terampil dengan alat seumur hidup untuk menjadi versi diri Anda yang terhebat dan paling tangguh.

Karena alasan inilah - menggunakan alat, bukan bicara lagi - dan proses pemberdayaan, klien kami menerima hasil luar biasa yang membuat mereka mengubah semua bidang kehidupan mereka dalam waktu singkat.

wellness retreat for mental health

Meet Your Team

Meet the outstanding team of wellness experts ready to support you.

mental retreat

The Alive Process

We believe in 360 degree life & health transformation. See how the transformational journey works.

best mental health retreats in the world

Offering a range of profound wellness therapies for the body, mind and soul.

mental health wellness retreat

Programs & pricing

Access the right program for you and our program guides & pricing to book your life changing experience.

Interested In A Luxury Private Retreat?

upscale mental health retreat

We are here to walk you through exactly what program is best for you and introduce you to the outstanding team at Alive. We will answer all your questions via text, whatsapp email or on a call.
Leave your details below for immediate support and a no obligation wellness assessment to create your ultimate retreat to release all stress, revamp your health, cleanse the body and create inner calm. We will contact you immediately.
Team @ Alive

You want a private confidential program that is customised to your needs and you are the only guest?

You want the world's top team for wellness, detox, mental health, stress and addiction recovery all in one place?

You are ready to transform every area of your life in 5 star luxury at a secret exotic location?

5 star mental health private rehab
Outstanding experience. For more than a year post my divorce I tried other programs before I found Alive. I didn't want group therapy, I didn't need rehab, a simple health retreat or therapy wasn't enough. I wanted to deal with all the issues at once - divorce, stress, loss of health, new direction, mental wellbeing and healing relationships. I accomplished it all in 21 days with my loving team where I only focused on me for the first time in years. Words cannot describe the skill and care of this team. Beyond grateful.
Loz, 55, USA, Mother of 4
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