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Upscale private health retreat, 5 star luxury health retreat

منتجع صحي وفاخر خاص

برامجنا الصحية الفاخرة ذات الخمس نجوم

Experience the ultimate private luxury holistic health and wellness retreat to revamp your health on every level. Detox, lose weight, increase fitness, and deeply relax with a world-class team and proven program since 2009. Heal, revive, and transform in the privacy of your own secluded residence with a full team. Experience a holistic 360-degree personal and physical transformation and an empowered approach to find yourself again in record time and reset your life, health, and self. 

Every health and wellness retreat program is uniquely created for the individual to get you the results you seek. Our full team of experts in Nutrition, Biochemistry, Detox Protocols, Holistic Health Therapists, and Physical Health Experts works together to offer you the ultimate Holistic Health Retreat like no other in absolute luxury.

Every Alive Luxury 1:1 Health Retreat Program is not just about physical health—each person is unique, and it is for that reason that we deliver a holistic program to de-stress, reconnect with your true self, and reenergize on every level.

Yes, we will revamp your physical health in ways you cannot even imagine - but we will also integrate total wellness into your life,  calm your mind and help you recreate a version of yourself you didn't know existed - full of energy, passion for life, habits to support you in the real world and a complete life transformation system you will love.

luxury health retreat


موثوق به

كبار الشخصيات

luxury relaxation and spa retreat


حصري وسري

luxury 5 star spa and wellness retreats


نتائج مثبتة منذ عام 2009

5 star spa wellness resort


فريق متخصص متخصص

5 star health and wellness retreat

5 نجوم

التجربة المثالية

تنزيل الحزم


luxury 5 star weight loss retreat


Holistic Approach to Achieving Your Perfect Weight

At Alive Luxury Retreats, we believe in a holistic approach to weight management and weight loss programs that address the entire individual—mind, body, and spirit. Our experienced team works with you to develop a personalized weight loss plan tailored to your body type and lifestyle, ensuring it is a unique and sustainable solution just for you. By collaborating with a comprehensive biomedical team, we help you create a customized weight balance blueprint that allows your body to find its natural balance. Experience the transformative results in record time as you embark on this journey towards a healthier, happier you.

gut health cleanse and gut health diet



At Alive we are renowned for our gut health and nutrition protocols designed to suit only your body and we're thrilled to offer our tailored gut health program that boosts digestion and revitalizes the gut-brain connection! Our expert team create a personalized plan to enhance your gut microbiome and overall well-being. This holistic approach not only improves physical health but also elevates mental clarity and energy. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey that rejuvenates your health from within where you feel the benefits immediately. 

luxury healing retreat



An extraordinary health escape is not complete without our beautiful healing and energy cleansing therapies. Immerse yourself in our deeply healing therapies, including energy healing, acupuncture, bodywork, and breathwork, that sweep away the old and create space for exciting new beginnings. Each experience is thoughtfully designed to invigorate and cleanse you, readying you for an amazing next chapter in your life. Come and discover a vibrant environment that celebrates your well-being and inspires lasting transformation.

luxury aesthetic beauty retreat getaway



We redefine your experience of beauty and wellness. Overhaul your self-image with the support of our aesthetic beauty specialists, who offer a range of age-defying and beauty procedures tailored to your needs. Enhance recovery in the comfort and privacy of our 5-star luxury wellness suites, designed to provide the ultimate relaxation. With the full support of our health and wellness specialists, you’ll feel rejuvenated and confident in your own skin.

luxury 5 star holistic health retreat



Life transformation is the number one goal for every client. Our expert mentors guide you on a journey to unravel the barriers that have held back, helping you to release old habits and embrace a new way of living. By integrating valuable tools and crafting your desires, you'll create a personalized plan to step into your greatest self and make beautiful changes in both small and significant ways. Here, you will learn to live authentically, aligned with your values, and create a rich, fulfilling life that you truly deserve.

luxury 5 star fitness retreat


move,Explore & Dive Into  Wild Nature

Are you prepared to transform your fitness journey and immerse yourself in the great outdoors? We blend deep nature experiences with fitness enhancement and reconnection perfectly.
Whether you're trekking on safari, ascending a volcano to greet the sunrise, strolling along pristine beaches, snorkeling with seals, or collaborating with a fitness or yoga expert, we guarantee you'll achieve your physical and mental wellness objectives.
We take you beyond the gym, connecting you with your body and the wilderness.


retreat for sleep management and relaxation



Be lulled into a deep state of peace as our professional massage and spa therapists ensure you indulge in an array of treatments to release stress from the body, cleanse the skin, soak away all worries and massage you into a cocoon of bliss. From specialised massages to facials, healing baths and beauty treatments from top to toe you will feel and look refreshed and rejuvenated. 

luxury yoga and meditation retreat

inner peace teachings


Tranquility awaits.
We are here to ensure you still your mind, reconnect to the core part of who you are become the greatest version of yourself. With our dedicated senior gurus of peace teachers by your side, you'll master your mind, calm your thoughts, and eradicate stress through deep relaxation, mindful breathing, yoga therapy for the soul and calming meditations. Join us to discover an eternal well of inner peace and find your center in a serene and luxurious environment surrounded by only the sounds of nature where the only thing that matters is the present.


luxury mindfulness retreat



At our luxurious wellness resorts or residences, stepping away from the hustle and bustle of life becomes an effortless journey toward self-discovery. Here, you can let go of the past, immerse yourself in peaceful moments, and reconnect with your true self, gaining clarity for the next stage of your life. Our outstanding mindfulness experiences, set against the serene backdrop of nature, are designed to help you refill your soul. Experience the transformative of presence and tranquility at all of our exquisite locations.

luxury de stress and burn out retreat



Experience the transformative journey with our passionate Life & Wellness Coaches as they lead you through the incredible Alive Process! You'll gain essential tools that effortlessly fit into your everyday routine. As you uncover a refreshed sense of purpose and life vision, you'll let go of old habits that hold you back. With the unwavering support of our high-performance coaches, you'll build a resilient mindset and embrace vibrant health, turning your exciting new vision into a truly fulfilling reality.

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kickstart your health with a custom cleanse

For those feeling the need to cleanse with a specific detox protocol created uniquely for the body to shed toxicity, cleanse their body & mind, and feel the effects of the Alive Detox for vitality, energy, & clarity:

  • Holistic Nutritional Detox Protocol unique for your body

  • Choose from a range of cleansing menus 

  • Enjoy detox therapies to speed recovery

  • Bio hack your own health with ozone therapy, IV nutrients, ice cold plunges & sauna therapy

  • Mentally & emotionally detoxify by de-stressing your life at the same time

luxury 5 star spa resort



Be lulled into a deep state of peace as our professional massage and spa therapists ensure you indulge in an array of treatments to release stress from the body, cleanse the skin, soak away all worries and massage you into a cocoon of bliss. From specialised massages to facials, healing baths and beauty treatments from top to toe you will feel and look refreshed and rejuvenated. 

luxury 5 star health retreat




Working alongside our amazing team of Integrative Medicine Doctors, Naturopaths, Nutritionists, Herbal Medicine Doctors, and your own private team of holistic wellness professionals; together we tackle health challenges head-on with a holistic approach that leads to rapid recovery. Our clients are thrilled to reclaim vitality, energy, and mental clarity as we focus on healing the root causes of their health issues, creating harmony throughout their entire system. We're excited to restore the mind-body connection and help everyone achieve a beautifully balanced state of well-being that lasts a lifetime. 

digital detox retreat



Your ultimate escape from the everyday grind is an important part of your journey back to peace. Get ready to unplug from your devices and break free from the constant buzz of the digital world and all of your responsibilities. Here, you'll dive into the beautiful rhythm of life, discovering pure bliss as you connect with what truly matters. As you disconnect in order to reconnect you will brith new ideas, creativity and a sense of vitality ready to re engage with the world around you refreshed.

5 star luxury health and wellness retreat uk, europe, usa



Welcome to Alive Luxury Retreats, where exceptional experiences await you at our stunning locations. Indulge in 5-star luxury and impeccable service included in every stay, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction. Choose to unwind at our exquisite boutique wellness resorts or enjoy the privacy of your own confidential residence—the choice is yours. Embrace the ultimate escape and let us cater to your every need for an unforgettable getaway.

confidential burn out and stress recovery program

لقد أنشأنا خلواتنا ليس حتى تتمكن من الهروب من الحياة. لكن الحياة لا تهرب منك.
عملاؤنا هم من أكثر الأشخاص غير العاديين على هذا الكوكب ومثلك تمامًا ، فهم يبحثون عن إعادة اتصال عميق مع أنفسهم ، للتعمق في ما وراء الرفاهية فقط ....   ليقعوا في حب الحياة تكرارا.

Meditation by the Beach

هل ترغب؟

  • مدرسين ومعالجين استثنائيين في صحة شاملة على استعداد لتحويل جسمك وعقلك ونفسك في وقت قياسي؟

  • مساحة فاخرة من الهدوء والجمال الطبيعي لإعادة الاتصال ولتكن حيث يمكنك الاسترخاء والعثور على نفسك مرة أخرى؟

  • لتشعر بالفهم والقبول والدعم الكامل في رحلتك إلى التوازن والعافية الكاملة وما هو أبعد من ذلك؟

  • أن تكون في رحلة لنزع فتيل التوتر وإيجاد هدوء داخلي عميق؟

  • لتجد طاقتك ووضوحك مرة أخرى وبناء علاقة مع جسدك وذاتك مبنية على الرعاية والحب واللطف؟

  • للحصول على المستوى النهائي من الصحة والطاقة؟

  • لإزالة السموم وتطهير الجسم والعقل في وقت واحد؟

  • للتخلص من كل التوتر والحصول على طباعة زرقاء موجزة لمتابعة خطوة بخطوة في طريقك إلى تحول الحياة؟

  • لإعادة التعيين والاسترخاء وتجربة تجربة العافية المطلقة؟

  • للشروع في رحلة اكتشاف الذات والتجديد الجسدي الكامل الذي يستغرق أسابيع وليس سنوات؟

  • لتتعلم الأدوات التي ستستمر معك مدى الحياة لتوازن وتنسق حياتك؟

  • أن تصادق عقلك وتبني إحساسًا بقبول الذات والهدوء والرحمة؟

  • لصياغة وتنظيم حياة جديدة بالكامل واتجاه لنفسك مع استكمال العادات وخطوات العمل لإحياء الحياة؟

  • لإعادة إنشاء رؤية حياتية ذات مغزى ومرضية بنسبة 100٪؟

  • لكي تتألق كما أنت ، سعيد ببشرتك وتحب الحياة التي صنعتها لنفسك؟ ​


إذا كان هذا يبدو لك ، فنحن نحب الدردشة >>>

Personalized VIP wellness program

What We Do

تهرب من الرفاهية والرفاهية السرية 1: 1 مع نسبة فريق 15: 1 للعميلعلى & nbsp ؛ للتجديد الصحي الذي تم إنشاؤه للأفراد ذوي الملاءة المالية العالية المستعدين للهروب من الحياة وتجديد صحتهم

أنت الضيف الوحيد الذي يعمل مع أفريق كامل من خبراء العافية والمدربين التنفيذيين وذوي الأداء العالي والممارسين الطبيين والطب الحيوي والصحة العقلية والعلاج المجاني الذي يوفر لك مكانًا واحدًا للحصول على أفضل النتائج الممكنة & nbsp؛

يتم إنشاء كل برنامج بشكل فريد لك فقط للتعامل مع مجموعة من المشكلات مثل الإجهاد والإرهاق وفقدان الصحة والعادات والنوم والاسترخاء والطاقة والحيوية ومكافحة الشيخوخة والمزيد

سوف يرحب بك أفريق دولي ذو خبرة عالية لدعمك في التحول الكامل لحياتك وصحتك وعاداتك وعلاقاتك ونفسك وعملك وغير ذلك الكثير دون حكم وبهارة خالصة

نحن نقدم مستوى متميزًا من التميز الشامل في العلاج المثبت منذ عام 2009 وتجربة تغيير الحياة الممتعة والممتعة وتحقق لك النتائج التي تريدها في جميع مجالات حياتك

نحن نذهب إلى ما هو أبعد من "مرافق العلاج" التقليدية & nbsp؛ أو `` مجرد ملاذ '' وتقديم تجربة حقيقية لتغيير الحياة تقدم نتائج في وقت قياسي من خلال نهج حقيقي وملهم ومتحول تمامًا للتعامل مع بعض أصعب المشكلات التي قد تواجهها

ما نساعدك على الشفاء من أجل الخير

luxury 5 star health and spa retreat


​The executive level luxury 5 star programs offer you your own expansive private suite within our luxury boutique wellness hotels. With your own private program you can focus only on you. There is no other guest interaction.


Executive level all inclusive programs start from
$2145 USD Per Night All Inclusive.

To see a detailed breakdown of our program pricing please click here. 

luxury executive level health retreat


We host our VIP programs in 100% private and confidential residences where our team works only with you in the comfort of your 5-star luxury secluded villa

VIP-level all-inclusive programs start at $3900 USD per Night All Inclusive.

To see a detailed breakdown of our program pricing, please click here. 

اطلب مكالمة سرية

هل أنت مستعد للتجربة؟

  • الوصول إلى دعم الخبراء على مستوى عالمي والأدوات والبرامج التي أثبتت جدواها والتي تبدو منطقية في مكان واحد يسهل الوصول إليه؟

  • لتشعر بالفهم والقبول والدعم الكامل في رحلتك إلى التوازن والعافية الكاملة وما هو أبعد من ذلك؟

  • أن تكون في رحلة مع أناس حقيقيين ، مجتمع من المعالجين الذين كانوا في حذائك والذين عاشوا تجربتك وخرجوا من الجانب الآخر؟

  • لتجد طاقتك ووضوحك مرة أخرى وبناء علاقة مع جسدك وذاتك مبنية على الرعاية والحب واللطف؟

  • لفهم سبب الانهيار والحصول على طباعة زرقاء موجزة لمتابعة خطوة بخطوة في طريقك إلى تحول الحياة؟

  • لفهم نفسك والأعمال الداخلية لعقلك ومعرفة ما يجب فعله بالقصص غير المفيدة ، والمعتقدات المقيدة ، والعاطفة القوية وردود الفعل التي لا يمكن السيطرة عليها؟

  • هل لديك عملية خطوة بخطوة لمتابعة ذلك ثبت أنها تعمل ، بالترتيب الصحيح ، في الوقت المناسب؟

  • للشروع في رحلة اكتشاف الذات وتجديد الشباب التي تستغرق أسابيع وليس سنوات؟

  • لتعلم الأدوات التي ستستمر معك مدى الحياة؟

  • أن تصادق عقلك وتبني إحساسًا بقبول الذات والهدوء والرحمة؟

  • لصياغة وتنظيم حياة جديدة بالكامل واتجاه لنفسك مع استكمال العادات وخطوات العمل لإحياء الحياة؟

  • لإعادة إنشاء رؤية حياتية ذات مغزى ومرضية بنسبة 100٪؟

  • أن تتألق كما أنت ، سعيدًا ببشرتك وتحب الحياة التي خلقتها لنفسك؟

قابل فريقك

يقولون أن تربية الطفل تتطلب قرية.

نعتقد أن الأمر يتطلب فريقًا للشفاء بسرعة - نحقق لك النتائج في أسابيع وليس سنوات.

  فريقنا هنا للتركيز عليك فقط ونحن ندعمك معًا بطريقة لا يمكنك تخيلها.  

مع الحب غير المشروط والمهارة المطلقة والبرنامج الذي ثبت أنه يعمل معًا مرارًا وتكرارًا ، نعمل على تحويل كل جزء منكم في وقت قياسي.

إنه لشرف كبير أن تكون بعيدًا عن رحلتك وأن تشارك في تحولك ، وبكل امتنان يرحب بك فريقنا بأكمله للتراجع ويهنئك على اختيارك تقديم هذه الهدية لنفسك . 


Facilitators & program directors

Our facilitators and hosts ensure your needs are taken care of and manage your entire retreat experience before, during and after retreat.

5 star service and luxury

Resort & Service Team

Our service team from reception, bookings, chefs, drivers and service staff ensure you never lift a finger during your stay and are truly spoilt during your time with us.

Katrina Steel Program Manager

powerful life & wellness coaches

Our coaches skilled in high perfomance life and wellness coaching using the proven Alive Process method developed over 3000 clients gets you the results you are seeking.

fitness and adventure

Fitness & Adventure Guides

Our adventure guides help you explore the wild outdoors, rich cultural experiences, nature and adventure experiences on our menu to reconnect to the world around you.

holistic 5 star health retreat

Bio Medical Team

Our wellness team consists of Naturopaths, GP, Nutritionists, Biomedical Mental Health Specialists, Fitness Instructors, Osteopaths, Acupuncturists & more to rejuvenate your physical body with a range of techniques & physical healing therapies.

luxury 5 star spa retreat

Spa & Massage Team

Our massage and spa team help to melt away your worries and lull you into a space of bliss and peace with their deeply healing spa and massage therapies.

5 star yoga and wellness retreat

Yoga & meditation team

Our Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness & Breathwork teachers teach the full Alive Yoga system built for mental health & creating long lasting inner peace.

holistic natural anxiety and depression treatment

Healers & Energy Workers

Our energy healers unlock old habits and patterns and help to clear the mind, body & soul of what is holding you back.

Herd of Giraffes

لماذا يعمل
نتائج مثبتة منذ عام 2009

برنامج Alive ورحلة فريدة لكل فرد حيث أن لكل شخص مسار حياة فريد أوصله إلى هذه اللحظة بالذات . 

تم تصميم برنامجنا بنسبة 100٪ ليس فقط لمعالجة المشكلات للأبد ولكن لضمان أن تصبح ماهرًا بأدوات مدى الحياة لتكون الإصدار الأكبر والأكثر مرونة من نفسك.

لهذا السبب - باستخدام الأدوات وليس الحديث - وعملية التمكين يحصل عملاؤنا على نتائج غير عادية تجعلهم يغيرون جميع مجالات حياتهم في وقت قياسي.

alive luxury wellness retreat bali team

Meet Your Team

Meet the outstanding team of wellness experts ready to support you.

luxury detox retreat

The Alive Process

We believe in 360 degree life & health transformation. See how the transformational journey works.

luxury mental health retreats

Offering a range of profound wellness therapies for the body, mind and soul.

luxury burn out and stress retreat

Access the right program for you and our program guides & pricing to book your life changing experience.

You want a private confidential program that is customised to your needs and you are the only guest?
You want the world's top team for wellness, detox, mental health, stress and addiction recovery all in one place?
You are ready to transform every area of your life in 5 star luxury at a secret exotic location?
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